

A list of projects I have been working on or built


Instant MD is an Investigation, Medication and Chief complaint recognition application using Natural Language Processing. 🏆 Winner of the HealthCare Track at the MINeD Hackathon.

RegexFlaskSemantic UI

Car Price Predictor

The Car Price Predictor is a web application which predicts car prices based on given independent features like Car Name, Year, Selling Price, Present Price, Kms Driven, Fuel Type etc. It is made using Flask and deployed on Heroku.

ScipyLinear RegressionJavascript

Stock Portfolio Management

It is a web application for managing your investment portfolio. Users can get real-time stock data and market news via Yahoo Finance, IEX Cloud, and Quandl APIs. They can also compare the performance of the stocks with charts and predict the future behaviour for the same.


Sentiment Analysis

This is a web app which can be used to analyze users' sentiments across different platforms using REST Apis. Made with Python, Flask, HTML, Javascript and deployed using Vercel. The model was trained using tweets from Sentiment140 dataset with 1.6 million tweets.


Salary Predictor

Salary Prediction App made with StreamLit just to practice the Streamlit framework. A Streamlit demo written in pure Python to predict salary based on your years of experience.


Xenith Space Shooter

A Knock-off of a retro space shooter game that I made with Pygame. Xenith is a knock-off of a popular game called Space Shooters that I made for my Girlfriend on our 1st Anniversary using Pygame.


Django Chat App

A small real time chat application built using Django. It also uses Channels and Vanilla Javascript with Web Sockets.

DjangoVanilla JavascriptWeb Sockets

CLI Quiz

"Who wants to be a Millionaire? (JavaScript Edition)" Terminal Game that I made to practice my JavaScript skills.


To-Do List

Clean and simple to-do list application made with Django framework, with features like : easy add tasks, delete and edit tasks, reorder tasks, login and register, mark tasks as completed with Clean UI.


Predicting number of Shares

Predicting the number of shares based on how popular the article is.

ScipyMachine LearningLinear Regression